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For Evaluation Only.
Not for training.
"Storm Warnings"
Stormwater Pollution Prevention
This training kit is designed to provide general awareness training to employees and contractors about stormwater pollution prevention. It describes Best Management Practices (BMPs) that are useful and important at a wide range of regulated facilities. It covers good housekeeping and other BMPs that help protect stormwater run-off. The kit includes a template to guide the trainer through creating site specific training to use in addition to the general training in the video. Also included is a SiteCast PowerPoint customizable template. (18 minutes)
1. Introduction
2. Stormwater Pollution & the Law
3. Good Housekeeping
4. Materials Management
5. Spill Response
6. Equipment Fueling & Repair
7. Outdoor Manufacturing
8. Preventive Maintenance
9. Waste Management
10. Dust Producing Processes
11. Conclusion